Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rush is a Band!

This blog is intended to serve as the repository for the rantings of an avid "Rushian", as a certain group of dedicated fans of the Canadian rock trio Rush have christened themselves.

I became a fan of Rush on the evening of March 27, 1976 when I was fortunate enough to be asked by an acquaintance if I wanted to go to a concert on the Gonzaga University campus (Spokane, WA) to hear a band called Rush. I'd never heard of Rush before, but I was a bored teenager on the second night of a three day church youth group trip from Seattle, about 350 miles to the west. I had no interest in the church's planned activities for our evening entertainment so I was just sitting in our hotel room when this guy I knew from summer camp who when by the nickname "Roadrunner" because he "Lettered" in track & field as a long distance runner knocked on the door and invited me to the aforementioned concert. Before the end of the the first song (Bastille Day) I had discovered the band that would be the most enduring and most powerful musical influence of my life. Rush is, quite simply, my favorite band.